-17 ° C according to PFAF, – 25 ° C according to Agroforestry Research Trust.

Shadow! (s. chinensis), mi – o (2 s.)
All wet soils. If it is hard, add lots of organic matter (pfaf).
s. chinensis:
Sweet and sour fruit, recalls taste clove or Juniper (JD)
Fruit – raw or cooke[183). Riche en sucres [74]d, it has a sweet flavor / sour[178]. In Russia, the paste made from the fruit is mixed with Actinidia arguta (Hardy Kiwi!) to make it more acidic[183]. The fruit is about 6 mm in diameter in clusters of about 10 cm long[200]. The young leaves as a vegetable cooked[105, 177, 183].

Prefer a rich, well-drained, soil retaining moisture[11, 200]. Prefer a slightly acidic soil but tolerates some alkalinity if many organic materials are added to the soil[200]. Requires some protection from the intense sunlight[200]. Plants are successful in the deep shade and suitable for the walls facing north[219]. Plants are intolerant to drought[K]. Completely asleep plant is Hardy to-about 17 ° C, while the young shoots in spring may between damaged by late frosts. Plants climb by wrapping around media. All size is done preferably in the spring[219]. The flowers are fragrant[245]. The lower leaves are aromatic[245]. Dioecious: Male and female plants are grown for seed.

According to wikipedia:
Composition of the seeds to the five tastes
The berries contain 20% sugar, 11% of citric acid, 10% protein, 10% Malic acid, 2% tartaric acid, 17 kinds of amino acids and many vitamins (A, B6, C, E), trace elements (germanium, selenium, iodine and zinc) and oils essentielles8.
Research of the active compound responsible for the stimulating effect has led to the discovery of schisandrine (Balandin 1951), one consisting of the family of Lignans. It was shown that among six different fractions, the schisandrine was the principle enabling the most performance mentales8. Come then the gamma-schisandrine and other secondary Lignans: gomisine A, B, C, D, E, F.
Comparison with 3 other good Schisandra: